IfeomaUlasi College of Medicine, University of NigeriaNigeria

Ifeoma I. Ulasi FWACP; FRCP (Lond.), FNAN, FISN: is a professor of medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Nigeria and has affiliations with two Teaching Hospitals UNTH. She is an international adviser at the Royal College of Physicians, London. She is the Deputy Chair of the ISN Advocacy Working Group. She is also a member of the African Regional Board, iNet and ACTS Committees. She served in the ISN-ExCom 2021-2023. She is involved in various research initiatives and projects on kidney and non-communicable diseases. She is a site PI of the H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network and PI of the Health Heredity and Environment Research Initiative. Also, the National Coordinating PI for Vertex Amplitude Study in Nigeria. She is an associate editor of the American Journal of Kidney Disease, Transplant International Journals, and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Day 1 - Sunday April 14, 2024

Time Session
12:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
IfeomaUlasi Chairperson ifeoma.ulasi@unn.edu.ngCollege of Medicine, University of NigeriaNigeria
MarinaWainstein Chairperson marinawainstein@outlook.comAcademia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos AiresArgentina
ValerieLuyckx Chairperson valerie.luyckx@uzh.chUniversity of ZurichSwitzerland
  • A Brief Overview of Advocacy Components
    ValerieLuyckx Speaker valerie.luyckx@uzh.chUniversity of ZurichSwitzerland
  • Advocacy in Malaysia: A Learning Curve
    Hafidz MuhammadIqbal Abdul Speaker fmeu6038@gmail.comUniversiti Teknologi MARAMalaysia
  • The Brazilian Challenge of Increasing Appropriate Referrals to Nephrology
    Augusto CesarSoares dos Santos Junior Speaker acssjunior@hotmail.comHospital das Clinicas, UFMG; Fac Ciências MedicasBrazil
  • Practical Exercise: Interactive Development of Advocacy Strategy
  • Final Summary and Wrap-up
Hall C2

Day 2 - Monday April 15, 2024

Time Session
12:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
IfeomaUlasi Chairperson ifeoma.ulasi@unn.edu.ngCollege of Medicine, University of NigeriaNigeria
VictorFrajewicki Chairperson vfraje@clalit.org.ilDepartment of Nephrology and Hypertension, Carmel Medical Center, HaifaIsrael
  • The Next Pandemic - What Has the Nephrology Community Learned From COVID-19?
    RaulLombardi Speaker lombardi.raul2@gmail.comDepartment of Nephrology, Schoole of Medicine, UniUruguay
  • Challenges in Nephrological Care During Difficult Situations: Lessons From Venezuela
    Lorendiz Pamela Ronca Chacare Speaker lorendiz.ronca@gmail.comSociedad Venezolana de NefrologíaVenezuela
  • Kidney Care During Earthquakes: Lessons Learned From Turkey
    RumeyzaKazancioglu Speaker drkazancioglu@yahoo.comBezmialem Vakif UniversityTürkiye
  • Provision of Renal Care During Man-made Disasters and Armed Conflicts: A Challenging Proposition
    RobertNajem Speaker robertnajem@yahoo.frLebanese University, Faculty of Medical Sciences.Lebanon
  • Q and A
Hall D
3 p.m.
3:45 p.m.
IfeomaUlasi Chairperson ifeoma.ulasi@unn.edu.ngCollege of Medicine, University of NigeriaNigeria
Nelson AlbertoCastro Moderator trischt19@gmail.comArgentina
  • Welcome to The Donal O
    MasaomiNangaku Speaker mnangaku@m.u-tokyo.ac.jpJapan
  • Welcome to Argentina and the Local Context
    Leonardo OscarBusso Speaker audiencias@msal.gov.arMinisterio de Salud de la Nación - Republica ArgentinaArgentina
  • The Donal O
    IfeomaUlasi Speaker ifeoma.ulasi@unn.edu.ngCollege of Medicine, University of NigeriaNigeria
  • PAHO Perspective
    AnselmHennis Speaker hennisa@paho.orgPAHO/WHOUnited States
  • 2023 ISN-GKHA Regional Paper Perspective
    CarmenTzanno Branco Martins Speaker tzanno@gmail.comSLANH, ISNBrazil
  • Patient Representative's Insights on the Importance of Accessibility in Kidney Health
    MarianellaSierra Canales Speaker presidenciaclaycop@gmail.comISN, Consejo Latinoamericano y del caribe de Pacientes trasplantados y en situación de trasplante (CLAYCOP)/FUNLUVI-HONDURASHonduras
  • Q and A
Hall C2
3:50 p.m.
5:40 p.m.
IfeomaUlasi Chairperson ifeoma.ulasi@unn.edu.ngCollege of Medicine, University of NigeriaNigeria
Nelson AlbertoCastro Moderator trischt19@gmail.comArgentina
  • Accessibility to CKD Diagnosis: Focus on CKDu (Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Origin) and Advancements in Diagnostic Approaches
    RamonGarcia Trabanino Speaker rgtrab@gmail.comSLANHEl Salvador
  • Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplantation Registry: Updates and Progress
    MariaGonzalez Speaker registro@slanh.netSLANHUruguay
  • Special Situations in Argentina: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Individuals on Dialysis Without a Diagnosis in the Argentinian Registry
    GuillermoRosa Diez Speaker guillermo.rosadiez@hospitalitaliano.org.arHospital Italiano de Buenos Aires; Argentinean Society of Nephrology; Latinoamerican Society of Nephrology and Hypertension; International Society of NephrologyArgentina
  • Cardiovascular and Renal Risk Factors in Argentinian First Nations: A Study of Qom and Wichi Indigenous Groups
    Maria Eugenia VictoriaBianchi Speaker bianchimaria@me.comISN. SAN.Argentina
  • Accessibility to Substitution Treatment in Latin America
    AlejandroFerreiro-Fuentes Speaker aferreirofuentes@gmail.comCentro de Nefrología. Universidad de la República,Uruguay
  • Accessibility to Programs of Prevention, and Early Detection and Treatment of Kidney Disease in Latin America
    Alfonso MartinCueto Manzano Speaker a_cueto_manzano@hotmail.comUnidad de Investigación Médica en Enfermedades RenMexico
  • Break
  • Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Valerie Luyckx, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Hall C2