AngeloKaraboyas Arbor Research Collaborative for HealthUnited States

Dr. Karaboyas provides epidemiologic and biostatistical support, primarily for the international Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS). He received his MS in Biostatistics and PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan with a dissertation focused on identifying best practices in hemodialysis using innovative study designs and statistical methods. Since joining Arbor Research in 2010, Dr. Karaboyas has led several aspects of observational research, including the initiation and development of successful proposals, operational coordination and communication as principal investigator, mentorship for analysts, preparation of manuscripts, and public presentation of findings. He specializes in using causal inference principles to craft clear research questions and statistical methods that are often creative, but appropriate and efficient, to address confounding and reduce bias in analyses of real-world data. Dr. Karaboyas has represented Arbor Research at many international conferences, and has coauthored over 60 peer-reviewed publications, including over 10 as first or senior author.

Day 1 - Sunday April 14, 2024

Time Session
9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
HeatherAscani Chairperson ascanihk@med.umich.eduUniversity of MichiganUnited States
KatherineTuttle Chairperson Katherine.Tuttle@providence.orgUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, Division of NephrologyUnited States
MatthiasKretzler Chairperson kretzler@umich.eduUniversity of MichiganUnited States
  • Looking for Data on Glomerular Diseases: How to Find the Treasures You Are Looking for With a Click of a Mouse
    VijiNair Speaker vijin@med.umich.eduUniversity of MichiganUnited States
  • Open Science in an Open Community: Resources of the Kidney Precision Medicine Project for CKD and AKI
    MatthiasKretzler Speaker kretzler@umich.eduUniversity of MichiganUnited States
  • The Future is Now: How to Mine Cells and Neighborhoods of the Kidney in Health and Disease
    JulioSaez-Rodriguez Speaker julio.saez@uni-heidelberg.deHeidelberg UniversityGermany
  • Panel Discussion
Hall C1
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
Angela Yee-MoonWang Chairperson Kong/SingaporeSingapore
ThiagoDe Azevedo Reis Chairperson thiagoreisnefro@gmail.comHospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil & Fenix Brazil
  • Is Magnesium a Missing Puzzle for Vascular Calcification in CKD?
    SolaAoun Bahous Speaker sola.bahous@gmail.comLebanese American University School of MedicineLebanon
  • Should Potassium Be Restricted or Not in CKD?
    RobertoPecoits Filho Speaker roberto.pecoits@arborresearch.orgArbor Research Collaborative for HealthUnited States
  • Metabolic Acidosis in CKD: When to Treat? What to Target?
    MitchellRosner Speaker MHR9R@hscmail.mcc.virginia.eduUniveristy of Virginia HealthUnited States
  • Q and A
Hall A
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
MaartenTaal Chairperson maarten.taal1@nhs.netUniversity of NottinghamUnited Kingdom
RobertoPecoits Filho Chairperson roberto.pecoits@arborresearch.orgArbor Research Collaborative for HealthUnited States
  • Big Data Lab
  • Patient-reported Outcome Measures: How Do Patients Experience CKD?
    AdeeraLevin Speaker alevin@providencehealth.bc.caUniversity of British Columbia and Providence Health CareCanada
  • Trial Simulation Using Observational Data
    AngeloKaraboyas Speaker angelo.karaboyas@arborresearch.orgArbor Research Collaborative for HealthUnited States
  • Using Routinely Collected Big Datasets for Clinical Research in CKD: Opportunities and Challenges
    DorotheaNitsch Speaker School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineUnited Kingdom
  • Q and A
Hall C4

Day 2 - Monday April 15, 2024

Time Session
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Guang-YanCai Chairperson caiguangyan@sina.comChina
JonathanChavez Iniguez Chairperson jonarchi_10@hotmail.comHospital Civil de Guadalajara, Universidad de GuadalajaraMexico
  • CKD Care in Low-resource Settings: Lessons Learned from CKDOPPS
    Magdalena Madero Speaker madero.magdalena@gmail.comChief of Nephrology, Instituto Nacional de CardiolMexico
  • PD Infections: Think Globally, Act Locally
    JeffreyPerl Speaker jeff.perl@utoronto.caSt. Michael's Hospital Canada
  • International Trends and Variations in Hemodiafiltration Utilization and Practices
    AngeloKaraboyas Speaker angelo.karaboyas@arborresearch.orgArbor Research Collaborative for HealthUnited States
  • Q and A
Hall C3