EleFerrannini University of PisaItaly

Ele Ferrannini, M.D. is Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Pisa and Senior Research Associate of the CNR (National Research Council) Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa. He has published >700 original papers in the field of diabetes, metabolism and hypertension, and several reviews and textbook chapters.rHis current research areas include insulin resistance and atherosclerosis; pathophysiology of insulin secretion; pathogenesis of insulin hypersecretion in obesity and effects of weight loss; coronary atherosclerosis in diabetes; pathogenesis of the microvascular dysfunction and proteinuria in adult-onset diabetes.

Day 3 - Tuesday April 16, 2024

Time Session
11 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
AlessiaFornoni Chairperson University of Miami United States
LizLightstone Chairperson Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom
MasaomiNangaku Chairperson Japan
  • Acceptance Speech: Bywaters Award
    MotokoYanagita Speaker Kyoto UniversityJapan
  • Insights into SGLT2 Inhibitors: A Story of Discovery. Donald Seldin Lecture
    EleFerrannini Speaker eleferrannini@gmail.comUniversity of PisaItaly
  • ELP2 Graduation
    MasaomiNangaku Speaker Japan
Hall A