The ISN-KI/KIR Editorial Fellows Session: The Best of 2024/25 Articles

8 Feb 2025 9:45 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Champa Hall 304
BradRovin Chair The Ohio State UniversityUnited States
GermaineWong Chair University of SydneyAustralia
PierreRonco Chair Hôpital TenonFrance

Session Description:
The Kidney International (KI) and Kidney International Reports (KIR) editorial teams and guests will present highlights from the year's content, the clinical and basic science awards, and the award for best reviewers. Attendants to this session will have the unique opportunity to meet the editorial and managing teams and the current and future Editorial Fellows and Interns that shape the future of nephrology.
Learning objectives:
The presentation of a selection of the best articles of basic and clinical nephrology, often authored by young investigators, will provide an increased understanding of the 2024/25 milestones in nephrology published in ISN journals.

Time Session
9:45 a.m.
9:53 a.m.
Kidney International in Focus: Annual Highlights
PierreRonco Speaker Hôpital TenonFrance
9:53 a.m.
9:58 a.m.
ISN-KI Fellows: Showcasing Excellence Part 1
Eugene Yu HinChan Speaker The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Children's HospitalHong Kong, China
9:58 a.m.
10:03 a.m.
ISN-KI Fellows: Showcasing Excellence Part 2
IsabelleAyoub Speaker The Ohio State UniversityUnited States
10:03 a.m.
10:08 a.m.
ISN-KI Fellows: Showcasing Excellence Part 3
ChristophKuppe Speaker Department of Nephrology, RWTH University Aachen, GermanyGermany
10:08 a.m.
10:13 a.m.
ISN-KI Fellows: Showcasing Excellence Part 4
GriffithPerkins Speaker Australia
10:13 a.m.
10:21 a.m.
Q and A
10:21 a.m.
10:29 a.m.
Kidney International Reports in Focus: Annual Highlights
JaiRadhakrishnan Speaker Columbia University in the City of New YorkUnited States
10:29 a.m.
10:34 a.m.
Kidney International Reports in Focus: Annual Highlights
SumitMohan Speaker Columbia UniversityUnited States
10:34 a.m.
10:39 a.m.
Kidney International Reports in Focus: Annual Highlights
AnnaFrancis Speaker University of QueenslandAustralia
10:39 a.m.
10:43 a.m.
Q and A
10:43 a.m.
10:49 a.m.
Celebrating Excellence: Best Reviewer Awards Presentation
BradRovin Speaker The Ohio State UniversityUnited States
10:49 a.m.
10:56 a.m.
Recognizing the Best: Basic Science Awards for Early Career Researchers
VeronicaMiguel Speaker Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular ResearchSpain
10:56 a.m.
11:04 a.m.
Recognizing the Best: Clinical Science Awards for Early Career Researchers
MuzamilHassan Speaker Department of Medicine, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, NigeriaNigeria
11:04 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Recognizing the Best: ISN-KI Editorial Fellows Awards
GermaineWong Speaker University of SydneyAustralia