Is it All Fluid? Dialysis Dynamics - HD, HDF, PD

8 Feb 2025 2:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
Amaltas Hall B101-B
Arpita Roychaudhuri Chair India
DibyaSingh Shah Chair Institute of Medicine Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Nepal
Lori-AnnFisher Chair University of the West Indies, MonaJamaica

Session Description:
We will discuss the complexities of fluid management in patients on different dialysis modalities, as well as the consequences of chronic fluid overload. 
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn about the advantages of fluid management with haemodiafiltration (HDF), and how to overcome limitations in resource-limited settings to perform HDF. 2. Learn how dialysis principles can be adapted from adult to paediatric practice. 3. Explore how dialysis can help in patients without kidney failure who have volume overload and heart failure.

Time Session
2:15 p.m.
2:33 p.m.
Blood Pressure Management in Dialysis: Is it All Fluid?
SandipMitra Speaker Manchester University Hospitals and University of Manchester, UKUnited Kingdom
2:33 p.m.
2:51 p.m.
What Is a Pragmatic Approach Toward Hemodiafiltration in a Resource-limited Setting?
SandeepMahajan Speaker All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi India
2:51 p.m.
3:09 p.m.
What Adult Nephrologists Need to Know About Pediatric Dialysis
RukshanaShroff Speaker MD, FRCPCH, PhDUnited Kingdom
3:09 p.m.
3:27 p.m.
PD in Heart Failure
AliAbu-Alfa Speaker American University of Beirut and Yale UniversityLebanon
3:27 p.m.
3:45 p.m.