BenCaplin University College LondonUnited Kingdom

My research focuses on the causes, progression and complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with an emphasis on endemic nephropathies of unknown cause (CKDu). I am principal investigator of an ongoing cohort study investigating the causes of the epidemic of CKDu in Nicaragua. I co-chair the international DEGREE initiative and act as a co-investigator/international advisor on a number of studies globally, including work being conducted in Peru, Malawi, India, and Sri Lanka. In the UK I am a co-principal investigator of HEROIC, an observational study of patients with diabetic kidney disease in North and East Central London and I helped lead the analytical team undertaking the National CKD Audit for England and Wales. Alongside population health, my group uses a wide variety of molecular biological, in vivo, and clinical research techniques and aims to leverage novel technologies to gain insight into CKD and CKD-associated complications.
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United Kingdom

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Time Session
2:35 p.m.
4 p.m.
ErangaWijewickrama Chair Faculty of Medicine, University of ColomboSri Lanka
  • What Should We Measure to Identify Disease in CKDu Research?
    BenCaplin Speaker University College LondonUnited Kingdom
  • How Can Kidney Biopsies Provide Causal Insight Into CKDu?
    ShuchiAnand Speaker
  • Q and A
Javakusum Hall 303