DanicaGalešić Ljubanović University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Dubrava University Hospital, Zagreb, CroatiaCroatia

DanicaGalešić Ljubanović
PERSONAL INFORMATION First and last name: Danica Galešić Ljubanović Address: Ljubijska 79, 10040 Zagreb, Croatia Cell phone: +358 91 4566 864 Mail: danica.ljubanovic@mef.hr; dljubanov@kbd.hr EDUCATION 2001-2003 International Society of Nephrology Fellow in renal pathology, Department of Pathology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, USA 2002 PhD, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia 1999 Pathologist, Merkur University Hospital Zagreb 1992 MD, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine EMPLOIMENT Since 2012 – Professor of Pathology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine Since 2003 – Head of the Department of Nephropathology and Electron Microscopy, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2001-2003 International Society of Nephrology Fellow in Nephropathology; Department of Pathology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, USA 2003 European Society of Nephrology (ERA-EDTA), Training in renal pathology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany 2011 Praise of University of Zagreb, School of Medicine for exceptional scientific production in the project period between 2007 and 2011 SUPERVISION OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS Four graduate theses, one master thesis, and four PhD theses were done under mentorship of Professor Galešić Ljubanović. Two PhD theses are in progress. TEACHING ACTIVITIES Since 2020 Full Professor of Pathology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine 2012-2020 Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine 2006-2012 Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Leader of Postgraduate Courses in Nephropathology and Electron Microscopy 2000-2006 Assistant of Pathology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine Since 2017 Full Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry 2010 - 2017 Associate Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry 2005-2010 Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS 2023 5th International Renal Pathology Conference, Zagreb, Local Host and Head of the Organizing Committee, Invited speaker, 370 participants 2019 XXXVII Saltykow Memorial Meeting: Nephropathology for surgical pathologists and laboratory medical engineers. Ogulin, Croatia: Course Leader, 60 participants 2008 and 2018 Course continuing medical education first category: Primary and secondary glomerular diseases, Zagreb, Course Leader, 100 participants 2017 Meeting of Croatian Society for Clinical Genetics, Presentation of project ''Genotype-Phenotype correlation in Alport’s syndrome and Thin Glomerular Basement Membrane Nephropathy'', meeting organizer, Zagreb, 50 participants INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Since 2003 – Head of the Department of Nephropathology and Electron Microscopy, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb 2011 – 2015 Head of the Department of Pathology, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb Since 2016 President of Commission for Scientific work of Students, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine 2012-2022 Member of Committee for Pathology of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia 2010-2012 and 2020 - now Member of Faculty Council University of Zagreb, School of Medicine MEMBERSHIPS Since 2020 – vice chair of Croatian Society of Pathology 2017-2019 Treasurer of Croatian Society for Clinical Genetics, Zagreb Members of the International Society of Nephrology, Member of Renal Pathology Society (International Committee), Member of Croatian and European Society for Microscopy, Member of European Society for Pathology – Nephropathology Working Group MAJOR SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATIONS Participates / has participated in multiple international and Croatian research projects. Completed projects financed by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports are: 1. 2007–2014 Head, Importance of morphologic factors in diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of FSGS. The major goals of this project were to determinate histological factors significant in diagnosis, therapy and prognosis in patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. 2. 2007–2014 researcher, Prognostic factors of renal failure progression. Head: K. Galesic. The major goal of this project was to examine the role of TGF-beta and endoteline-1 in progression of chronic renal failure. 3. 2002-2005 researcher, Acute renal failure in endotoxic shock. Head: M. Knotek International projects realized in collaboration with University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (UCHC), Denver, Colorado, USA. Completed projects: 1. 2001-2010 researcher, Acute kidney injury, Head: C.L. Edelstein, NIH 1RO1 DK56851. 2. 2003-2010 researcher, Kidney in endotoxic shock. Head: R.W. Schrier, NIH RO1-DK-52599. 3. 2002-2007 researcher, Complement in kidney diseases. Head: J. Thurman, NIH K08 DK064790-01. 4. 2008–2014 The Alternative Complement Pathway and Ischemic Acute Renal Failure, Head: J. Thurman, NIH/NIDDK 5R01DK076690-02. The major goals of this project were to examine the mechanisms of alternative complement pathway activation after ischemia and to determine the role of alternative pathway activation in the development of renal injury after ischemia. 5. 2010–2013 Dense Deposit disease Research Grant, Head: J. Thurman, Kidneys Foundation. The major goal of this project was to determine whether nanoparticles targeted to glomerular C3 fragments can be used to non-invasively detect glomerular C3 deposition in a model of Dense Deposit Disease. 6. 2013-2017 Interleukin 33/ST2/CD4 T cell axis in acute kidney injury. Head: C. Edelstein, Veterans Affairs Merit Award. The major goal of this project was to examine the role of interleukin 33/ST2/CD4 T in acute kidney injury in experimental animals. European projects: 1. Since 2018 Development of a score for quality assessment of deceased donor kidneys in Eurotransplant, researcher, Head: Jan Becker, Germany 2. VALIGA – European Validation Study of the Oxford Classification of IgA Nephropathy, researcher, Head: Rosanna Coppo, Italy Project founded by Croatian Science Foundation: 1. 2015-2019 Genotype-Phenotype correlation in Alport’s syndrome (AS) and Thin Glomerular Basement Membrane Nephropathy (TBMN) (IP-2014-09-2151), Head. Main goals of this research were to identify prevalence of AS and TBMN in Croatia, to clarify those two entities histologically, genetically and clinically and to create Croatian AS and TBMN patients' registry with clinical, histological, genetic and follow-up information. During project, cooperation with Constantinos Deltas, one of leading experts on Alport syndrome from Molecular Medicine Research Centre, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, was established and Erasmus contract was signed between University of Cyprus and University of Zagreb. Professor Galešić Ljubanović become member of the Organizeng Committee of the Alport workshop and cofounder of Alport Syndrome Alliance. PUBLICATION -115 papers, 4141 citations, H - index 34 - editor of the two books in Croatian (one about glomerular diseases) - chapter in 12 books including Idiomatic and Hereditary Proteinuric Glomerular Diseases in Pediatric Nephropathology & Childhood Kidney Tumors edit by Helen Liapis, Cambridge 2023

Pre-Congress - Saturday April 13, 2024

Time Session
9 a.m.
11 a.m.
CarmenAvila Casado Chairperson carmen.avila-casado@uhn.caCanada
ValeriaAlberton Chairperson vgalberton@gmail.comHospital Fernandez/ Hospital El CruceArgentina
WesamIsmail Chairperson wesam_ismail@yahoo.comHead of Pathology Department, Beni Suef UniversityEgypt
  • Updates in Genetic Testing in Renal Disease
    DanicaGalešić Ljubanović Speaker danica.ljubanovic@mef.hrUniversity of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Dubrava University Hospital, Zagreb, CroatiaCroatia
  • Classification of Lupus
    AgnesFogo Speaker agnes.fogo@vanderbilt.eduUnited States
  • New Insights in Membranous Nephropathy
    SanjeevSethi Speaker sethi.sanjeev@mayo.eduMayo ClinicUnited States
  • Amyloidosis Update
    WesamIsmail Speaker wesam_ismail@yahoo.comHead of Pathology Department, Beni Suef UniversityEgypt
  • Q and A
Hall C1