MartaAdragna Argentina


Day 2 - Monday April 15, 2024

Time Session
12:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
MartaAdragna Chairperson marta.adragna@gmail.comArgentina
MoumitaBarua Chairperson moumita.barua@uhn.caCanada
  • Hot Debate: Genetic Testing in CKD: In High-risk Populations Only or in All Patients with CKD? - All Patients
    AlbertienVan Eerde Speaker vanEerde@umcutrecht.nlDepartment of Genetics, UMC Utrecht, The NetherlandsNetherlands
  • Hot Debate: Genetic Testing in CKD: In High-risk Populations Only or in All Patients with CKD? High-risk Populations Only
    HilaMilo Rasouly Speaker Hila.MiloRasouly@columbia.eduColumbia UniversityUnited States
Hall A