Hot Debate: Genetic Testing in CKD: In High-risk Populations Only or in All Patients with CKD?

15 Apr 2024 12:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m.
Hall A
MartaAdragna Chairperson Argentina
MoumitaBarua Chairperson Canada

Session Description:
Genetic testing in CKD is now widely available in developed countries. Exactly who to test remains  a source of debate. This session will feature two speakers arguing from different perspectives – that all patients with CKD should undergo genetic testing OR that only high risk CKD populations should undergo genetic testing.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how genetic testing has developed into a widely available clinical test. Identify the kinds of genetic causes of CKD that can be identified by genetic testing. Review the arguments for and against testing widely or only in high risk groups.

Time Session
12:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
Hot Debate: Genetic Testing in CKD: In High-risk Populations Only or in All Patients with CKD? - All Patients
Albertien M.Van Eerde Speaker a.vaneerde@umcutrecht.nlDepartment of Genetics, UMC Utrecht, The NetherlandsNetherlands
Hot Debate: Genetic Testing in CKD: In High-risk Populations Only or in All Patients with CKD? High-risk Populations Only
HilaMilo Rasouly Speaker Hila.MiloRasouly@columbia.eduColumbia UniversityUnited States