HelenHurst University of Salford and Northern Care Alliance NUnited Kingdom

Helen is a Professor of Nursing and holds a joint clinical academic position with the University of Salford and the Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust (Consultant Nurse) She has over 30 years' experience working in the NHS in renal medicine and care of the elderly, with over 20 years in advanced practice. She holds national and international leadership positions, Secretary of Association of Nephrology Nurse UK, Co-chair UK Innovation and Dialysis Network, Education and Workforce Lead for the Northwest Kidney Network and ISPD nursing committee. Her research area is older people, frailty and advanced kidney disease, including a specialist interest in peritoneal dialysis.

Day 2 - Monday April 15, 2024

Time Session
2:45 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
Laura Lunardi Speaker laura.lunardi@sa.gov.auAustralia
Ana Elizabeth pradofigueiredo Spotlight Speaker anaef@pucrs.brPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Brazil
HelenHurst Spotlight Speaker h.e.hurst@salford.ac.ukUniversity of Salford and Northern Care Alliance NUnited Kingdom
RachaelWalker Spotlight Chairperson Rachael.walker@auckland.ac.nzUniversity of Auckland, New ZealandNew Zealand
Spotlight Stage 1 (exhibition hall)

Pre-Congress - Saturday April 13, 2024

Time Session
2:15 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
Ana Elizabeth pradofigueiredo Chairperson anaef@pucrs.brPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Brazil
ReenaGeorge Chairperson reenarachelgeorge@gmail.comChristian Medical College Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing in Dialysis Patients
    RachaelWalker Speaker Rachael.walker@auckland.ac.nzUniversity of Auckland, New ZealandNew Zealand
  • Laughter Therapy to Promote Physical Activity and Exercise in People with Kidney Failure
    PaulBennett Speaker paul.bennett@griffith.edu.auGriffith UniversityAustralia
  • End of Life Care Planning: Supporting Families and Patients
    HelenHurst Speaker h.e.hurst@salford.ac.ukUniversity of Salford and Northern Care Alliance NUnited Kingdom
  • Discussion
Hall C3