Wilmer JimEscobar Torres Wilmer Jim Escobar TorresPeru

Wilmer JimEscobar Torres
Peruvian nurse, with experience in nephrology for 21 years. Working in the dialysis unit of the Peruvian Social Security, collaborating with the development of nurses in Latin America to achieve better skills to serve patients in our region. Member of several world societies that develop vascular access for dialysis. Master's Degree in University Teaching with the purpose of improving the curriculum of the nephrology nursing specialty. Always at the service of change to improve the lives of people with kidney damage and its prevention.

Pre-Congress - Saturday April 13, 2024

Time Session
11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
Ana Elizabeth pradofigueiredo Chairperson anaef@pucrs.brPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Brazil
ReenaGeorge Chairperson reenarachelgeorge@gmail.comChristian Medical College Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
  • Volume Management: Individualizing Care
    Wilmer JimEscobar Torres Speaker jimccv@gmail.comWilmer Jim Escobar TorresPeru
  • Potassium is Not the Villain
    Rafaela Siviero Caron-Lienert Speaker rafaelacaronlienert@gmail.comPUCRSBrazil
  • Assessment and Management of AV Access: Case Management
    ClementeSousa Speaker clementesousa@esenf.ptEscola Enfermagem PortoPortugal
  • Discussion
Hall C3