Next-Gen Perspectives Debate: Will AI Replace Nephrologists in the Future?

8 Feb 2025 2:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
Kumudini Hall 301
AakashShingada Chair India
KornchanokVareesangthip Chair Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, ThailandThailand
Winston Wing ShingFung Chair Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong KongHong Kong, China

Session description:
The session will be a 1h debate, freely-based on the Oxford debate methodology, involving young representatives of the four main regional societies that collaborate regularly with the ISN: APSN, AFRAN, SLANH and SFNDT.
Learning objectives:
The session aims to create a discussion space for participants, foster critical thinking, and strengthen the bonds with our partners SLANH Joven, CJN - SFNDT, AFRAN YNC and yAPSN.

Time Session
2:15 p.m.
3:45 p.m.
Next-Gen Perspectives Debate: Will AI Replace Nephrologists in the Future?
AlejandroGarcia-Rivera Speaker Hospital General Regional 46Mexico
IntissarHaddiya Speaker Department of nephrology Faculty of medicine and Pharmacy of Oujda Mohammed First UniversityMorocco
Kyung DonYoo Speaker Ulsan University Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine / Deputy Director, Disaster Preparedness and Response Committee, The Korean Society of Nephrology Korea (Republic of)
MarinaWainstein Speaker Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos AiresArgentina