Annual Review of Nephrology Course: Managing Kidney Failure

6 Feb 2025 9 a.m. 11 a.m.
Neelkamal Hall 305
KenarJhaveri Chair Northwell HealthUnited States
MitchellRosner Chair Univeristy of Virginia HealthUnited States

Session description:
End stage kidney failure is assuming epidemic proportions. Majority of patients with end stage kidney failure have anaemia, high phosphorus levels and hypertension which contribute to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and poor quality of life. There have been several recent advances which help in better management of these complications. This session will focus on the challenges and practical solutions in patients with end stage kidney failure with anaemia, hyperphosphatemia and/ or hypertension with emphasis on current guidelines and recent advances. 
Learning objectives:
At the end of this session the attendees will be able to manage the troublesome trio by: using novel solutions to treat anemia including the judicious use of HIF-PHI. Treating the phosphorus to target with emerging strategies. Aiming at Euvolemia and normotension with novel therapies.

Time Session
9 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
New Solutions to Anemia Management in Kidney Failure: The Role of HIF-PH Inhibitors
JolantaMalyszko Speaker Medical University of Warsaw, PolandPoland
9:30 a.m.
10 a.m.
New Solutions to Phosphorus Control in Kidney Failure: Achieving Patient Goals
KrishnaswamySampathkumar Speaker Meenakshi Mission Hospital India
10 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Improving Volume and Hypertension Control in Kidney Failure: New Approaches to a Critical Issue?
Angela Yee-MoonWang Speaker Hong Kong/SingaporeSingapore
10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
Q and A