BrettCullis University of Cape TownSouth Africa

Brett Cullis is a nephrologist and specialist intensive care physician at Hilton Life Hospital South Africa and is an honorary associate professor of adult and paediatric nephrology at the University of Cape Town. He is Chair of the Saving Young Lives Program steering committee, president-elect of the ISPD He sits on the ISN core programs committee, ISN regional board, ISN dialysis working group and ISN-WHO AKI and Dialysis toolkit development group and is on the ISPD executive.

Pre-Congress - Saturday April 13, 2024

Time Session
9 a.m.
11 a.m.
AhmedSokwala Chairperson drsokwala@gmail.comAga Khan University Hospital NairobiKenya
ArifAsif Chairperson arif.asif@hmhn.orgUnited States
GriseldaBratti Chairperson Italiano of Buenos Aires. Argentina Argentina
JadrankaButurović Ponikvar Chairperson jadranka.buturovic@mf.uni-lj.siUniversity Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia; Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, SloveniaSlovenia
  • Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheters
    OctavioSalgado Speaker ojsalg@hotmail.comChair of Nephrology, School of Medicine, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador.Ecuador
  • Insertion of PD Catheters
    BrettCullis Speaker brett.cullis@gmail.comUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
  • Biopsy of Native and Transplanted Kidney
    FedericoLevy Speaker levyfede@gmail.comDrArgentina
  • Hands-on Modules - HD
  • Hands-on Modules - PD
  • Hands-on Modules - Kidney Biopsy
Hall D