EviNagler Nephrology Department, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium

Evi Nagler is a consultant nephrologist at Ghent University Hospital in Belgium, where she primarily focuses on transplant medicine. She has dedicated her research career to guideline development and systematic review methodology. From 2009 to 2020, she served as the senior methodologist and later as the vice-chair for the European Renal Association's guideline development body, European Renal Best Practice. During her tenure, she actively participated in the creation of numerous clinical practice guidelines, offering methodological support to development teams and ensuring the quality and integrity of the production process. She currently serves as a panel member for KDIGO's anemia guideline update. She finds great satisfaction in these roles as they enable her to engage with clinicians and patients from around the world, providing her with valuable insights and a truly enriching experience.

Day 2 - Monday April 15, 2024

Time Session
12:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
Carlos LuisBlanco Chairperson clbblanco@yahoo.com.arCARLOS LUIS BLANCO, ISN EMERIT MEMBER, ARGENTINA Argentina
MarcelloTonelli Chairperson cello@ucalgary.caUniversity of CalgaryCanada
TalerngsakKanjanabuch Chairperson golfnephro@hotmail.comFaculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand
  • KDIGO 2024 Anemia CKD Guideline: Overview on Methodology and Key Guidance
    EviNagler Speaker evi.nagler@ugent.beNephrology Department, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
  • Practical Guideline Applications for Patients with Anemia CKD Not on Dialysis
    JoséA. Moura-Neto Speaker jamouraneto@hotmail.comBrazilian Society of NephrologyBrazil
  • Practical Guideline Applications for Select Patients With Anemia: Dialysis, Kidney Transplant Recipients, and Children with CKD
    MarcelloTonelli Speaker cello@ucalgary.caUniversity of CalgaryCanada
  • Q and A
Hall E