AlessandraBoletta San Raffaele Scientific InstituteItaly

Dr. Boletta graduated in Biology at the University of Pavia, Italy. She carried out her Ph.D-equivalent training at the Mario Negri Institute in Bergamo, Italy working on gene delivery to the kidney prior to moving to the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA for her post-doctoral training. Here, she started her scientific activity on Polycystic Kidney Disease, by working on heterologous expression of Polycystin-1 aimed at establishing cellular models to investigate the Polycystins function. rr rrShe moved back to Italy thanks to a Telethon Career Program and a Marie Curie Excellence Award to establish her lab at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan. Here, she covered the position of Director for the Division of Genetics and Cell Biology (2014-2019) and she is currently Head of Research Unit. Over the years, her lab has developed several cellular and animal models with the aim of studying Polycystins function and the pathophysiology of ADPKD. Her laboratory has identified metabolic reprogramming as an important feature of the disease, offering several new options for therapy as well as novel insights into the pathogenesis of ADPKD.

Day 2 - Monday April 15, 2024

Time Session
9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
CarlosDiaz Chairpersonón Nefrología, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Instituto Universitario CEMIC.Argentina
CristianKramer Chairperson cristiankramer@yahoo.eshosptial ramos mejìaArgentina
  • Role of Genetic Testing in ADPKD
    PeterHarris Speaker harris.peter@mayo.eduMayo ClinicUnited States
  • New Metabolic Pathways Driving PKD Progression
    AlessandraBoletta Speaker boletta.alessandra@hsr.itSan Raffaele Scientific InstituteItaly
  • ADPKD Management Guidelines
    AlfredoWassermann Speaker awasser@gmail.comFEPREVAArgentina
  • The Future Landscape for ADPKD Treatment
    VicenteTorres Speaker torres.vicente@mayo.eduMayo ClinicUnited States
  • Q and A
Hall C1
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
MattBecka Chairperson mattb@pkdcure.orgPolycystic Kidney Disease FoundationUnited States
  • Welcome and Highlights of PKD Foundation
    MattBecka Speaker mattb@pkdcure.orgPolycystic Kidney Disease FoundationUnited States
  • Introduction of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Prize
    VicenteTorres Speaker torres.vicente@mayo.eduMayo ClinicUnited States
  • Identifying Novel Therapeutic Targets for Polycystic Kidney Disease
    MichaelCaplan Speaker michael.caplan@yale.eduYale University School orf MedicineUnited States
  • Roundtable Discussion
    MichaelCaplan Speaker michael.caplan@yale.eduYale University School orf MedicineUnited States
  • Roundtable Discussion
    VicenteTorres Speaker torres.vicente@mayo.eduMayo ClinicUnited States
  • Roundtable Discussion
    PeterHarris Speaker harris.peter@mayo.eduMayo ClinicUnited States
  • Roundtable Discussion
    AlfredoWassermann Speaker awasser@gmail.comFEPREVAArgentina
  • Roundtable Discussion
    AlessandraBoletta Speaker boletta.alessandra@hsr.itSan Raffaele Scientific InstituteItaly
Hall C4