ZiadMassy Global Medical Director, AURA, Paris France

Ziad A. Massy is Professor of Nephrology, Global Medical Director, AURA, Paris, and Co-Director of Research Unit INSERM U-1018 CESP Team 5 at the UVSQ, Versailles/Villejuif, France. He was a Member of ERA Council and Chair for the ERA Registry and Clinical Governance Affairs (until June 2021). He was an advisory board for several WGs of ERA. He was a Core-member of the Executive KDIGO board. He obtained “Fondation du Rein” Award at Sept 2010 and Hungarian Society of Nephrology award at November 2015. He was the Recipient of the Légion d’honneur at 2021 received from French President. He obtained ERA award for Outstanding Clinical Contributions to Nephrology at May 2022. His research areas of special interest include uremic toxins, cardiovascular disease, and CKD. He has published several original articles, reviews and chapters of books in his domain of interest (H Index via Publish or Perish v6: 101– Total Number of Publications, Medline Dec 2023: 643).

Day 1 - Sunday April 14, 2024

Time Session
9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
ElianaDina-Batlle Chairperson Dradina@mac.comHospital Metropolitano De Santiago Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y MaestraDominican Republic
GustavoLaham Chairperson glaham@cemic.edu.arGustavo Laham, Sociedad Argentina de Nefrología (SAN)Argentina
OlynkaVega Chairperson olynkavega@hotmail.comInstituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador ZubiránMexico
  • Updates on Uremic Toxins
    ZiadMassy Speaker ziad.massy@apr.aphp.frGlobal Medical Director, AURA, Paris France
  • Bringing Nobel Prize Winning Discoveries in Oxygen Sensing to Nephrology Clinics
    Kai-UweEckardt Speaker kai-uwe.eckardt@charite.deDepartment of Nephrology and Medical Intensive CarGermany
  • A Look Forward: Clinical Implications of Translational Research in CKD-MBD
    HirotakaKomaba Speaker hkomaba@tokai-u.jpTokai University School of MedicineJapan
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Translating Anti-inflammatory Therapeutics into Treatments for Patients With Kidney Failure
    LauraDember Speaker ldember@pennmedicine.upenn.eduUniversity of Pennsylvania United States
  • Q/A
Hall E