Roman-UlrichMueller University of CologneGermany

Roman-Ulrich Müller is head of the Center for Polycystic and Genetic Kidney Disease at the University of Cologne and chair of the working group Genes & Kidney of the European Renal Association. As Professor of Translational Nephrology his research interests span from RNA biology in the basic research group to clinical trials translating the key findings. Regarding clinical research he has served as PI and investigator in a number of clinical trials including studies examining dietary interventions. ADPKD has been a specific focus of Dr. Müller’s work in the last years. In this context, his group has set up the AD(H)PKD study which is now one of the largest well-characterized cohorts of ADPKD patients (currently > 1400 patients). This study is not only the basis to a detailed prospective clinical characterization of patients presenting to the clinic but also accompany this approach with research endeavors focusing on novel imaging techniques, genetics and a broad bio-sampling to allow for the identification of novel biomarkers. One of the key points derived from Dr. Müller’s close interaction with patient advocacy groups is the fact that lifestyle (and esp. dietary interventions) that can modify the disease course are of major interest to both patients and treating physicians. Consequently, he has successfully established a translational pipeline for dietary interventions in ADPKD over the last years.

Pre-Congress - Saturday April 13, 2024

Time Session
11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
MatiasFerrari Chairperson ferrarimatias89@gmail.comSANArgentina
MitchellRosner Chairperson MHR9R@hscmail.mcc.virginia.eduUniveristy of Virginia HealthUnited States
MoumitaBarua Chairperson moumita.barua@uhn.caCanada
YelenaDrexler Chairperson yrd6@miami.eduUniversity of Miami Miller School of MedicineUnited States
  • Changing Paradigms in the Care of Chronic Kidney Disease: Slowing Progression
    Magdalena Madero Speaker madero.magdalena@gmail.comChief of Nephrology, Instituto Nacional de CardiolMexico
  • What
    ThiagoDe Azevedo Reis Speaker thiagoreisnefro@gmail.comHospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil & Fenix Brazil
  • Therapeutic Approaches for Polycystic Kidney Disease
    Roman-UlrichMueller Speaker roman-ulrich.mueller@uk-koeln.deUniversity of CologneGermany
  • Glomerular Diseases: Case Presentation
    MatiasFerrari Speaker ferrarimatias89@gmail.comSANArgentina
  • Q and A
Hall C4