Building Renal Registry Capacity: Introducing ISN’s Sharing Expertise to Support the Set-Up of Renal Registries (SharE-RR) Toolkit

13 Apr 2024 6:45 p.m. 7:15 p.m.
Spotlight Stage 1 (exhibition hall)
EtienneNtabanganyimana Spotlight Speaker Rwanda
MariaPippias Spotlight Speaker University of BristolUnited Kingdom
FergusCaskey Spotlight Chairperson University of Bristol, UKUnited Kingdom
MariaGonzalez Spotlight Chairperson SLANHUruguay

Having data on the burden of kidney disease is extremely relevant for kidney health advocacy. This session marks the launch of one of the key  ISN - WHO collaboration plan deliverables: the SharE-RR Toolkit  We will show you to appreciate the relevance of disease surveillance registries, to learn about the SharE-RR Toolkit and how it can be used, and to learn how the Toolkit works in practice from a country that is using it.