John Funder The Hudson Institute of Medical Research Clayton 3168 Victoria Australia; Monash University, Clayton 3600 Victoria AustraliaAustralia

John Funder
For almost sixty years John Funder has been involved in clinical and basic science studies of the adrenal, with particular emphasis on the physiology and pathophysiology of aldosterone. He has published over 600 papers, predominantly in this area, chaired the US Endocrine Society Taskforce on guidelines for primary aldosteronism (PA) published in JCEM 2008, an updated guideline (JCEM 2016), and subsequently detailed the need for updating these guidelines, currently in progress. Historically PA was taught as an uncommon and mild form of hypertension, which we now know not to be the case; compelling evidence has emerged that its prevalence is ~30% of hypertensives, rather than the 5-10% previously thought to be the case. Opinion leaders in hypertension thus need a major wake-up call; for 30% of their patients it's not just a matter of getting the blood pressure down.

Day 3 - Tuesday April 16, 2024

Time Session
9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
CarlosSchreck Chairperson carlos.schreck@gmail.comHospital Italiano de Buenos Aires- NephrologyArgentina
KellyHaughton Chairperson kidneydoctorpanama@gmail.comSLANH, PanamaPanama
  • Why Are Fewer Than I% Of Hypertensive Patients Ever Screened For Primary Aldosteronism?
    John Funder Speaker Hudson Institute of Medical Research Clayton 3168 Victoria Australia; Monash University, Clayton 3600 Victoria AustraliaAustralia
  • Aldosterone and Disease
    JordanaCohen Speaker jco@pennmedicine.upenn.eduUniversity of PennsylvaniaUnited States
  • New Trials Using Aldosterone Synthese Blockade
    MichelAzizi Speaker michel.azizi@aphp.frUniversité Paris Cité, Hypertension department, HôFrance
  • Targeting MR for Heart and Kidney Protection
    HiddoLambers Heerspink Speaker H.J.Lambers.Heerspink@umcg.nlNetherlands
  • Q and A
Hall E