PeaceBagasha Mulago National Referral HospitalUganda

I am an early career scientist holding clinical, research and education roles. My areas of focus are Acute kidney Injury, Green nephrology, Renal Supportive care and Kidney care implementation in resource limited settings. I am a teacher and course lead for the nephrology course unit in the department of internal medicine, college of health sciences in Makerere University, and the division head for nephrology in Mulago National Referral Hospital. My first exposure to a career in research was in the study of acute kidney injury for patients with sepsis, this was carried out with grant support from the Uganda HIV/TB COHRE Training program through the Joint Clinical Research Center. Following this I have been involved in various projects under the mentorship of Dr. Mhoira Leng in Palliative care and Dr. Robert Kalyesubula in nephrology. I’m currently undertaking Ph.D studies in conservative kidney disease management exploring quality of life for patients with end stage kidney disease. As part of this work, I have written up publications with co-authors from South Africa and Canada as well as worked on a lecture series of this work for the International Society of Nephrology. I have also been involved in setting up a kidney transplant program which carried out the inaugural kidney transplant in the country. These projects have helped to build my knowledge of the workings of health systems in resource limited settings and a passion to pursue better local solutions for local problems through clinical research and implementation science.

Pre-Congress - Saturday April 13, 2024

Time Session
6:15 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
IsabelleEthier Spotlight Speaker iethier@hotmail.comCanada
PeaceBagasha Spotlight Speaker bagashap@gmail.comMulago National Referral HospitalUganda
WorkagegnehuBilchut Spotlight Speaker workhailu@yahoo.comEthiopia
ShaifaliSandal Spotlight Chairperson shaifali.sandal@mcgill.caCanada
VivekanandJha Spotlight Chairperson Institute for Global Health IndiaIndia
Spotlight Stage 1 (exhibition hall)