Dr. Clemente is a Professor at the School of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), in Brazil. She holds a PhD in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine from the same institution. She has been working in the field of transplantation for nearly 20 years. She has professional expertise in transplant infection, quality and safety in transplantation, and healthcare-associated infections, regarding which she currently heads the antimicrobial stewardship program at her institution. Dr. Clemente is also keenly interested in travel and tropical medicine, and more particularly in transplant tourism, concerning which she co-leads an ongoing project in the field. Dr. Clemente has attended visitor TID programs in the United States, England, and Spain. She was the primary editor of the 2018 guidelines on “Recommendations for Management of Endemic Diseases and Travel Medicine in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients and Donors: Latin America.” She currently serves on the executive council of the TID section of TTS. She is also an advisor of the Brazilian Transplant Infection Committee for the National Transplant Program, a board member of the Transplant Infection Committee (COINT) of the Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (ABTO), as well as a member of the ESCMID Study Group for Infections in Compromised Hosts – ESGICH. She is an Associate Editor of Transplantation and part of the editorial team of Transplant Infectious Disease, in addition to serving as a reviewer on many major publications. Her research has appeared or is forthcoming in Transplantation, Clinical Transplantation, the American Journal of Transplantation (AJT), Transplant Infectious Disease (TID) and Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI).
Day 1 - Sunday April 14, 2024
Time |
Session |
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
cdiaz@cemic.edu.arSección Nefrología, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Instituto Universitario CEMIC.Argentina
germaine.wong@health.nsw.gov.auUniversity of SydneyAustralia
marianoarriola@hotmail.comSAT, SAN, Facultad de Medicina (UNL)Argentina
Quality and Safety in Kidney Transplantation
wanclemente@yahoo.com.brUniversidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrazil
Machine Perfusion of the Kidney
henry.pleass@sydney.edu.auSpecialty of Surgery, Westmead Hospital, UniversitAustralia
Menopause and Kidney Transplantation
sofia.ahmed@ahs.caUniversity of AlbertaCanada
Q and A
Hall D