LilianaBisigniano Liliana Bisigniano MDArgentina

Pediatric nephrologist. Director of the technical and scientific committee at INCUCAI. Responsible for the: - creation, control and auditing of the national registries including patients on dialysis, waiting lists for both organ and tissue transplantation, and patients undergoing both organ and tissue transplantation, and for the design of the national regulatory frameworks related to: - center validation, certification of health care providers performing organ, tissue and cell transplantation, definition of the organ and tissue distribution and allocation programs, statistical analysis of the national dialysis registries, waiting list, and organ transplant outcome in terms of patient and graft survival associated with donor and recipient - related variables, and procurement logistics. Residency in pediatrics (June 1989-May 1991) completed at the Dr. Juan P. Garrahan National Children´s Hospital (position obtained after passing the annual test to join the municipal residency program in health care). Fellow in pediatric nephrology at the Dr. Juan P. Garrahan National Children´s Hospital, 1992-1996. Member of the Kidney Transplant Program at the Dr. Juan P. Garrahan National Children´s Hospital, 1996-1999. Degree in pediatrics obtained in 1992 and awarded by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics and the Ministry of Health. Degree in pediatric nephrology obtained in 1996, and awarded by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics and the Ministry of Health. Interim director of the Technical and Scientific Committee, INCUCAI 1999-2007. Director of the Technical and Scientific Committee since 2007. Member of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics since 1991. Member of the Argentine Transplantation Society since 2005. Member of the INTERNATIONAL PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY ASSOCIATION since 1995. Member of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PERITONEAL DIALYSIS since 1996. Member of the Argentine Transplantation Society since 1999. Member of the Donation and Transplantation Ibero-American Council network since 2005. Member of The Transplantation Society since 2005. Member of de Latinoamerican Network of Organ Donation and Transplantation since 2005 Member of the Mercosur intergovernmental donation and transplant commission since 2004

Day 1 - Sunday April 14, 2024

Time Session
12:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
Domingo Casadei Chairperson
VivekanandJha Chairperson Institute for Global Health IndiaIndia
  • How to Achieve Transparent and Regulated Organ Donation and Transplantation
    Maria AmaliaMatamoros Speaker amatamoros@cehcr.comCosta Rica
  • Non-resident Foreigners in Argentina: Legal Framework to Prevent Transplant Tourism
    LilianaBisigniano Speaker Bisigniano MDArgentina
  • How to Handle Cases of Presumed Transplant Tourism
    KenSakai Speaker of Nephrology, Toho University Omori Medical CenterJapan
  • Q and A
Hall C1