The Role of Long Non-Coding RNAs in the Progression of Renal Fibrosis.
Abstract Title
The Role of Long Non-Coding RNAs in the Progression of Renal Fibrosis.
First Name *
Last Name *
Co-author 1
Kentaro Imai Nagoya University Nephrology Nagoya
Co-author 2
Kazuhiro Furuhashi Nagoya University Nephrology Nagoya
Co-author 3
Yasuhiko Ito Aichi Medical University Nephrology and Rheumatology Nagakute
Co-author 4
Shoichi Maruyama Nagoya University Nephrology Nagoya
Co-author 5
Co-author 6
Co-author 7
Co-author 8
Co-author 9
Co-author 10
Co-author 11
Co-author 12
Co-author 13
Co-author 14
Co-author 15
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