Anemia Management: Paradigm Shift or Hype?

8 Feb 2025 9:45 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Amaltas Hall B101-B
DineshKhullar Chair India
Fatiu AbiolaArogundade Chair Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex/ National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria Nigeria
MayuriTrivedi Chair Senior consultant and Head Department of Nephrology LTMG hospital,Mumbai,IndiaIndia

Session Description:
Anaemia is a common complication of kidney disease. Are the newer therapies any better than the old ones? In this session we will look at guideline-based therapy for anaemia and critically appraise the role of iron in its management.
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the guideline-based treatment of anaemia, Analyse the role of HIF-PHIS in the current management of anaemia. Review the role of iron and discuss consequences of iron overload.

Time Session
9:45 a.m.
10:03 a.m.
Guideline-based Treatment of Anaemia of CKD: What's New?
Kai-UweEckardt Speaker kai-uwe.eckardt@charite.deDepartment of Nephrology and Medical Intensive CarGermany
10:03 a.m.
10:21 a.m.
HIF-PHIs: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Chuan-MingHao Speaker University Huashan HospitalChina
10:21 a.m.
10:39 a.m.
Iron Therapy in CKD: Moving Targets
EviNagler Speaker evi.nagler@ugent.beNephrology Department, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
10:39 a.m.
10:57 a.m.
Consequences of Iron Overload
RobertKalyesubula Speaker rkalyesubula@gmail.comMakerere, UniversityUganda
10:57 a.m.
11:15 a.m.