POC testing for CKD/AKI screening and monitoring in community setting

14 Apr 2024 12:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m.
Spotlight Stage 1 (exhibition hall)
RolandoClaure Del Granado Spotlight Speaker Division of Nephrology, Hospital Obrero No 2 - Caja Nacional de Salud, Cochabamba Bolivia

The POC serum creatinine test provides rapid results, allowing healthcare providers to promptly assess kidney function at the bedside or in outpatient settings. Early detection of AKI and CKD enables timely intervention, such as adjusting medication dosages, implementing renal protective measures, or initiating appropriate therapies to slow disease progression. Overall, the POC serum creatinine test serves as a crucial tool for timely diagnosis and management of kidney disorders, its use in low-resource settings  could improve patient outcomes.